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Snyk - API

The Snyk API is a REST API that allows customers on Business and Enterprise plans to programmatically integrate with Snyk for testing packages for issues such as vulnerabilities and license problems. It provides entities like test results and issues, with detailed fields for analysis. Authorization is required using a token obtained from Snyk's account page. The API base URL is https://api.snyk.io/api/v1/. Users can test packages, view organization settings, manage integrations, and perform various operations to enhance security.

API Management

Application Security

Cyber Security

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As an Operations Manager, easily activate projects to add repository webhooks for integrations and enable pull request tests for new vulnerabilities. Ensure workflow efficiency and project security by seamlessly integrating with Snyk's API.

Use cases

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Effortlessly enhance project security and efficiency

Chat examples

Activate Project X to enhance security measures.
Project X has been successfully activated. Repository webhooks have been added for integrations, and pull request tests for new vulnerabilities are now enabled. Your project's security is now enhanced. Anything else you need assistance with?

Project Managers can now easily test Rubygems packages for issues based on name and version, ensuring project integrity and efficient dependency management. Stay on top of potential vulnerabilities with precise gem issue testing.

Use cases

Chat examples

Run gem issue test for Rubygem 'example_gem' version '1.2.3'.
The test for 'example_gem' version '1.2.3' has been completed. Any issues found have been identified, ensuring the integrity of your project. Would you like to perform any other tests?

Administrative Assistants can now easily view and manage organization settings to ensure smooth operations within the office. Streamline administrative tasks and enhance operational efficiency with quick access to organization settings.

Use cases

Chat examples

View organization settings for Office A.
Organization settings for Office A have been retrieved. You now have access to manage and configure settings for smooth operations. Is there anything else you need assistance with?

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