Rottentomatoes - Rotten Tomatoes
The API provides a wide range of operations related to movie and DVD information, including listing top-level directories, retrieving current and new release DVDs, accessing movie lists, obtaining detailed movie information, searching for movies, retrieving cast information, movie clips, reviews, and similar movies.
Movie & DVD Information API


Movie Enthusiast
Movie Enthusiast
Are you tired of endlessly scrolling through movie lists? Let our AI assistant recommend the perfect movie for you based on your preferences and viewing history. Say goodbye to decision fatigue and hello to a personalized movie night experience!
Use cases
Chat examples

Movie Buff
Movie Buff
As a movie buff, you always want to be in the know about the latest releases and upcoming blockbusters. Our AI assistant keeps you updated on new movie releases, upcoming films, and box office hits, ensuring you never miss a must-watch movie.
Use cases
Chat examples
Transforming user intents to actions with a genie touch