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Oxforddictionaries - Oxford Dictionaries

The API provides access to a wide range of language-related functionalities such as retrieving domains, entries, synonyms, antonyms, translations, grammatical features, inflections, languages, lexical categories, regions, registers, search results, statistics on word frequencies and ngrams, and wordlists. Users can make specific API calls to retrieve relevant linguistic information and data.

Language-related API

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Can you provide the definition, pronunciation, and antonyms for the word 'eloquent'?
Here is the definition of 'eloquent': expressing oneself readily, clearly, effectively. Pronunciation: /ˈɛləkwənt/. Antonyms: inarticulate, tongue-tied, halting.

Break down language barriers effortlessly while traveling with our AI assistant that offers quick and accurate translations for words in various languages. Communicate effectively and navigate foreign lands with confidence.

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Translate 'hello, how are you?' to Spanish.
The translation of 'hello, how are you?' in Spanish is 'hola, ¿cómo estás?'

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