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Opendatasoft - api

The API provides access to various functionalities such as retrieving datasets, metadata, records, attachments, reuses, snapshots, and exporting data in different formats. It also allows for searching datasets, managing feedback, and accessing different types of metadata templates. The API offers endpoints for catalog navigation, data export in formats like CSV, JSON, and GEOJSON, as well as facilitating guided navigation through facets.

Data Retrieval

Data Export

Metadata Management

Dataset Search

Feedback Management

Background stripes


Easily explore and analyze datasets to uncover valuable insights for informed decision-making. Seamlessly navigate through datasets, visualize data, and extract meaningful information to drive business strategies.

Use cases

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Uncover Insights with Ease

Chat examples

Can you provide me with the metadata for the 'Sales Performance' dataset?
Here is the metadata for the 'Sales Performance' dataset: {metadata details}. You can further explore the dataset by accessing its endpoints for detailed analysis.

Streamline the process of exporting datasets in various formats such as CSV, JSON, and Excel to support decision-making processes. Easily download attachments, export records, and access dataset snapshots for comprehensive data utilization.

Use cases

Chat examples

Export the 'Sales Report' dataset in CSV format.
The 'Sales Report' dataset has been exported in CSV format. You can download the file from the provided link for further analysis and decision-making.

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