Fraudlabspro - FraudLabs Pro SMS Verification
The SMS Verification API enables merchants to send SMS with verification codes and custom messages for authentication purposes, reducing chargebacks and fraud across various payment methods like credit cards, PayPal, and cash on delivery. The API includes operations to verify OTP validity and send SMS verifications.
Phone & SMS


As a merchant, safeguard your business against fraud and chargebacks with our AI assistant. Seamlessly verify OTPs and send SMS authentication codes to enhance payment security across credit card, PayPal, and COD transactions. Stay ahead of potential threats and protect your revenue effortlessly.
Use cases
Chat examples

E-commerce Owners
E-commerce Owners
E-commerce owners, build trust with your customers by implementing secure authentication solutions powered by our AI assistant. Effortlessly verify OTPs and send customized SMS messages to authenticate transactions, ensuring a secure shopping experience. Protect your customers' data and boost credibility with advanced fraud prevention measures.
Use cases
Chat examples
Transforming user intents to actions with a genie touch