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Circuitsandbox - REST API Version 2

The Circuit REST API allows interaction with the Circuit system, enabling operations such as removing participants from communities, getting space topics and replies, managing webhooks, labels, conversations, spaces, user profiles, favorites, and more. Unique features include detailed space searches, conversation moderation, community creation, and resolving invitation tokens.

Team Collaboration

Background stripes


As a Community Manager, easily remove or add participants to your community, organize conversations with labels, and moderate discussions with ease. Streamline community engagement and enhance organization effortlessly.

Use cases

Check Icon

Effortlessly Manage Your Community

Chat examples

Can you remove John Doe from the Community A?
John Doe has been successfully removed from Community A. Anything else you would like to do?

For the Space Explorer, easily find relevant spaces by starting detailed searches, getting space topics, and accessing spaces by IDs. Enhance your space exploration experience and optimize search results effortlessly.

Use cases

Chat examples

Start a detailed search in Space X for 'Project Management' topics.
I've initiated a detailed search in Space X for 'Project Management' topics. Here are the relevant results. Anything else you need assistance with?

Transforming user intents to actions with a genie touch