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Bluemix - IBM Containers API

The IBM Containers API, based on the Docker Remote API, allows users to create and manage single containers and container groups in Bluemix. Key features include authentication, private Docker images registry, managing images, single containers, container groups, public IP addresses, file shares, volumes, and various container operations. Each API request requires 'X-Auth-Token' and 'X-Auth-Project-Id' parameters in the HTTP header.

Network Management

API Management

Cloud Infrastructure

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As a Network Administrator, you can efficiently manage and optimize container resources to ensure reliable connectivity and network health. With our AI assistant, you can easily allocate resources, monitor container performance, and streamline network operations for enhanced efficiency.

Use cases

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Effortlessly manage and optimize container resources for seamless network operations

Chat examples

Optimize container resources for improved network performance
I've allocated additional resources to your critical containers, enhancing network performance and ensuring seamless connectivity. Would you like to receive a detailed report on resource allocation?

For Security Analysts, ensuring company information systems' security is paramount. Our AI assistant provides advanced container security solutions, including vulnerability scanning and compliance checks, to identify and mitigate cyber threats effectively.

Use cases

Chat examples

Scan container images for vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with security standards
I've conducted a comprehensive vulnerability scan on your container images, identified potential security risks, and enforced compliance with industry standards. Would you like to schedule regular security checks?

IT Support Specialists rely on quick and effective troubleshooting to resolve technical issues promptly. Our AI assistant offers intelligent troubleshooting assistance, guides users through issue resolution steps, and provides seamless technical support for enhanced user experience.

Use cases

Chat examples

Troubleshoot Docker container startup failure
I've identified the root cause of the container startup failure, provided troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue, and ensured the container is up and running smoothly. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

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